Saturday, January 3, 2009

Living the Language Vol. 2...

I nearly forgot to give you the answers to the quiz.
Here you go:

1. Mek do nal du
2. Baw gaw King
3. Dawn kin Do naw chu
4. Kei Epu Si

5. Pi cha Hawteh

6. TGIFridays


Richard said...

Yeah, still don't get #4. Doesn't ring a bell.

Jeff said...

Keh ee Eh puh See

Richard said...

In English maybe? Still can't get it. I have said it a dozen different ways, slow, fast and upside down. Still can't seem to get this one. Is it Pepsi? That is the only thing that comes to mind. Oh well, maybe numbers is my thing, I got a year supply of Kimchi. LOL

Jeff said...

KEH (as in bed)
EE (as in leave)

EH (bed again)
PUH (as in foot)

SEE (just like it looks)

Richard said...


Jeff said...