Friday, January 30, 2009

The Richest Man in Town...

(This blog has led me to be more transparent. No apologies, just honest reality...)

For the single person, alone time can be unbearable. I go home at night, and it's just me again. I long to be with someone. Someone to share my life with. To share my thoughts, my dreams, my fears. To share my love. To share my moments. (As I was writing this, one of the church ladies came in to say goodbye. Her last words were, "Find your soul mate.") The worst times are the quiet moments of enjoyment. Sunsets, walking on the beach, times of personal victory, the entire Christmas season...those are the times when I feel the most alone. We all have insecurities and wonder, "Do people like me?" "Am I important to anyone?" Being in Korea, God has revealed some things to me. I've had times of loneliness, but I've received a new perspective.

I've been given a glimpse of what others see in me. The Korean staff is always telling me how kind, patient and encouraging I am. (It's ok, I'm laughing, too.) It's humbling and confusing. I find myself continually filled with conflict, but people tell me all these wonderful things they see in me. They say they admire me and respect me. They tell me about all these great character qualities they see. I know what they see is Jesus, and I'm grateful for that.

A good friend suggested that perhaps God was using this time to show me just how much I have. She helped me to understand that I'm not alone...that I have family...and that I am rich. I'm grateful for you all. Thank you for being my friends. Thank you for loving me and allowing me to love you in return. I can't wait to see you again.

This scene from one of my all time favorite movies says it best.

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