Friday, December 19, 2008


God revealed something to me that I had been wondering about since my first encounter with the Korean people in June. Koreans are passionate people, and when they sing, their passion overflows. Many times I've listened as they sing songs I do not know. Each time, I've been compelled to worship despite not understanding the words being sung. Afterward, I've been eager to discover just what they were singing about. Sometimes the song is originally in English and easy to find. Other times the song is uniquely Korean without a translation. That's a bit disappointing, but it reminds me of the most important thing--the worship of these people points my heart toward Jesus. He is the source and object of their passion.

My life should be the same. Jesus must be my passion, and that passion should radiate in every aspect of my life. My work, my play, my conversation, my joy, in sorrow, in peace. Others should see a bold, living relationship and be compelled to discover just what it is I'm so passionate about.

1 comment:

Richard said...

When you wrote this, I thought of the song "My Passion" recorded by Travis Cottrell we did for Easter this year. It really brings things into perspective hearing you say those words, "Passion".
I found the word's meaning in Webster's Online Dictionary and the first reference was Jesus, The Passion of Christ.
Here is the link...