Monday, December 8, 2008


Loteria is the Korean answer to McDonald's. It's very familiar except that the sauces are what Korean's are used to. More sweet and sour. They have all types of burgers, chicken and fish. The burgers are called "bulgogi". It's the same ground beef you're used to, but it's marinated in a special sauce giving it a more asian flavor.

Instead of "combos" they have "sets". A set comes with the same fries and drink I'm used to. One day, I was ordering the chicken strips off the handy picture menu on the counter, but I didn't see "set" under the chicken. So I pointed to the chicken and said, "Set?" The nice lady shook her head and said, "Two or four." I said, "Four" and then repeated "Set?" She shook her head again and said "Two or four." I was a little confused (happens alot these days), so I pointed to one of the burgers and said, "set?" indicating that I wanted fries and a drink with my chicken.

The nice lady smiled and nodded and went to work. I was feeling good. Meanwhile the teenage girl at the register rang up my order and asked me to pay 8500won. Realizing what had happened, I canceled the burger order and walked out with my 4 chicken strips. It's a good thing I had Pringles at the apartment. (I learned later that "set" also means 3 in the other number system they use here.)

Distinct to the Loteria menu is the Shrimp Burger. Minced, pressed, breaded and fried, just like any fish sandwich you've had. I like shrimp, so I'll have to try it. However, my line has been drawn. I was there the other day and saw this poster.

Not on your life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Some India students let me try some squid. I didn't like it. I don't see you liking it.