Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's Cold Outside...

It's cold outside....It's cold inside....

The Korean people don't like the cold, but I've noticed something very peculiar. They leave the entrance doors to the building standing wide open, and they don't turn on the heat until the last minute. They keep their coats and scarves on in the Worship center until it warms up, which is sometimes at the end of the service. It's true they like fresh air, but this is extreme.

I haven't asked anyone to explain this, but my observations lead me to this conclusion. The people are more concerned about the task at hand than their personal comfort. It doesn't even seem to cross their minds that there is a different way to do things. It's as if the thinking is: "Heating the place with the doors open would be a waste, and the doors are open to make the people feel welcome." So we bundle up and sit close. Happy faces and focus is all I see.

I'm not saying we should turn off the heat, but we could really learn alot from these people.

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