Sunday, February 15, 2009

Things I Miss...

Kyul (Jeju Island oranges - the best in the world)...

Ki Hyeon's laughter...

Singing in Hangeul...

Min Su's determination...

The stares and smiles of little children...

Yeong Kyu singing as he enters the office...

Walking in my Korean neighborhood...

Jae Suk saying "Whaaaaaaa!" whenever I do something impressive...

Being called, "Grandpa"...

JP's questions...

Hearing "Nobody, nobody but you..." sung in the office...


Passing school children on the street...
They usually would notice me just as I passed. After the shock, they would call out behind me, "Hello!" I would then turn and say, "Hello" resulting in nervous laughter. Sometimes a brief conversation would develop, and rarely someone would enjoy the opportunity to use their English. I actually grew to expect and enjoy these little encounters. After walking the same streets for 3 months there were a few familiar faces from time to time.

Korean Parking Attendants...
They tell you where to go. You enter the parking garage to meet a well dressed young man. He bows politely and gracefully motions you in the right direction. You turn only to see another attendant has taken the hand off and directs you up the ramp. As you top the ramp...yes, there she is...attendant #3. She conducts you to the left where another young man takes over and enthusiastically leads you to the parking place they reserved just for you. It's nice to know I have something to do if this music director thing ever falls through.

People ask me, "Did you miss home while you were in Korea?" I've been hesitant to answer because the truth is... no, I didn't. Well, I thought of home, but I was never lonely for it. There was too much adventure around. Also, I knew I would return at a specified date. I've not been homesick since I was a child, and whenever I wanted to talk to someone, all I had to do was jump on Skype and call. Six bucks a month and I could call any number in the states for nothing. It even showed up Whitepine, Tennessee on a couple of caller IDs. I joked that it was all a big hoax, and I was actually in a cabin in the mountains. (Remember "Capricorn One"?)

On the other hand, I miss Korea. The experience was intense, and I felt more alive than I have in quite some time. I also developed some good friendships. While I have every intention of returning someday to see my new friends, there are no guarantees in this life. I'm confident in God's promise that all believers will someday be reunited, and I look forward to many happy reunions. But there is a sad thought also. I now have many friends who are not believers, and the sad reality is that trust in anything except Jesus Christ alone will only result in their eternal separation from God... and from me. I pray that my new friends will come to understand their need and God's provision for them through His one and only Son Jesus.

I like to share these truths using "Steps to Peace with God". It's straightforward and concise. I used it in my Bible Study at the Language School. Why don't you take a look...

1 comment:

bless said...

I miss you too! especially your different two colors on your hair and beard. haha :-)
I saw your pictures with the present~ Do you like it?
One is yours of course, and the other is for mistery woman.. maybe she is your mother, or your future wife..

And, you can see two Chinese characters on them.
One is 福(복), which means bless, happiness, fortune. The other is 壽(수), means 'life', but usually saying 'live long'. :-)

Actually I wanted to write this information on a letter, but you know, we are so busy for wedding nowadays.

Best wishes for you! bless you!(and live long!)