Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Does God Have A Plan?

Monday began a long week of running here and there to share the gospel with people. As most of the volunteers are stay at home mother's, many of the appointments are with other stay at home mothers. My team (5 of us) piled into a little car and dashed off. We were going to see a seamstress at a local mall. Upon seeing us, she busied herself and would not allow us to share. It was a disappointing start, but as we reached the car, we met the parking attendant. (I impressed everyone by producing the correct amount of change when he told the driver what she owed.)

As he walked away, someone suggested we chase him down and share with him. We followed and realized he was too busy with his job, so we stepped into a salon instead. The place was empty except for two ladies who listened patiently and responded to the gospel message. One of them shared that she was already a Christian.

As the conversation progressed, one of our team realized that she lives next to the lady's mother-in-law and has actually met her daughter. Information about Calvary Church was shared, and she commented that she has lately been feeling God leading her in another direction and had prayed the previous day that God would lead her to a church where she could serve and fulfill her potential.

So, did God lead us down the street after the parking attendant only to redirect us into this salon? YES! God knows exactly what He is doing. All we have to do is follow. Disappointment was changed to joy.

The rest of the day was filled with such encounters. A young mother in her apartment. A Buddhist dry cleaning man who reluctantly listened as he worked. At one stop, we hurriedly pulled into the only available space right in front of the door. One of the ladies said, "God prepared." I agreed.

An afternoon visit was to a group of ladies at some sort of community center. I was told it was a group who gather to teach their children English and was asked to share the gospel and then to read them a couple of stories in English. They were very receptive and all accepted Jesus except for one who was already a Christian.

The children were alot of fun. They each have English names and I asked them questions and engaged them in simple conversation. They all communicated well except for Dora who was quite shay and Daniel who started laughing every time I said something to him. Jimmy arrived late. As the door opened, he took one look at me standing there, turned and reached for his mother and said, "Anyooooooooooo!" (That means "Nooooooo!") After several attempts, she finally got him into the room. He clung to her and hid his face for a while, but eventually, during my reading time, he opened up. Boy did he open up. These kids are 5 years old. He knew every animal name and every color in English. I finally had to ask him to wait and let one of the other children answer. At the end, he wouldn't join the group photo, but I managed to sneak one of him.

(LtoR) Jamie,
Bill, Dora
& Daniel


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