Monday, January 11, 2010

What Is Prayer?

Most people pray…to something or someone. We who have met the risen Christ have learned that only through Him do our prayers have meaning or achieve any result. Proverbs 15:29 tells us “…He hears the prayer of the righteous.” James 5:16 says, “The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful.” The righteous have placed their complete faith in Jesus Christ… for forgiveness… for peace… for fulfillment… for everything.

We are inhabited by the very Spirit of God who “…intercedes for us…” (Romans 8:26). Even when we don’t know what or how to pray, the Holy Spirit speaks for us as we cry out, “Abba! Father!” Prayer can be spoken or silent, private or public, kneeling, prostrate, standing or arms outstretched. Righteous prayer is sincere, honest and open. Prayer is based on trust and a relationship that develops over time.

Recently I gained a new perspective on prayer. I was directing our Christmas Musical and we arrived at a particularly difficult section. When using recorded accompaniment, it is difficult during softer sections to keep the choir in pace with the music. With my ear turned toward the monitor, I concentrated as we began. It was a stressful moment, and I instinctively called out to God for help, but with all that I was doing, no words would come to my mind. Instead I simply looked up in my spirit at my Father.

It was a defining moment. Right then, I realized that prayer is more than just words. Prayer is a five year old glancing up at his father for reassurance. A wordless expression of trust in the only source of strength he knows. Prayer is communication based on a deep, proven relationship. I looked up to Him for reassurance. He smiled at me, filling me with peace and encouragement.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says, “Pray without ceasing.” The Holman translations says, “Pray constantly.” Prayer is more than words. It is constant awareness of your Father’s presence. Look up to Him. See His smile. Feel His peace. Hold His hand.

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